Real Property Management Pocatello

How to Avoid Vandalism and Protect Your Rental Property in Blackfoot

Vandalism of residential property is one of the most typical crimes to fall upon property owners in Blackfoot and the surrounding areas. In fact, roughly 15% of American homes are targeted by vandals each year. Vandalism such as graffiti and smashed mailboxes can cause expensive damage to a rental home, but it also intrudes upon a tenant’s sense of security and community spirit, not to mention the potential detriment of property values. For these reasons, preventing vandalism ought to be a top priority for landlords and property owners alike.

One of the proven measures to thwart vandalism is to install and maintain adequate exterior lighting. Vandals are attractive to obscure areas, favoring to do their dirty work concealed. Motion sensor lights are very practical and can be an energy-efficient choice that tenants will welcome.

Double check if the fences are sturdy, another common measure being used to avoid vandalism is to keep your fences equipped with a secure gate that locks. Vandals are mostly out to get easy targets so if your property has a hard to access fence or they will be forced to enter a locked gate then you are on a right path toward keeping them out of the yard.

As a natural deterrent, think about planting bushes or shrubs with rough bark, thorns, or pointy leaves around the property. Your property has to look well-trimmed and giving them a hard time to access will mostly deter unwanted visitors trying to gain access to the home.

It may seem odd, but quality window coverings can keep the vandals away, too. Vandalism is a crime of opportunity; they will habitually only strike if they think no one is watching. Making sure the windows are covered with blinds or drapes will make them doubt about whether or not someone is home, particularly if a light or two is left on at all times. It just might persuade them to look for another, simpler target.

Ultimately, if vandals do strike, it’s essential to clean up the mess as soon as possible. These sorts of ne’er-do-wells enjoy having their handiwork seen and fussed over. If their damage is left unrepaired, they might become elated, only to return and make an even bigger, “better” mess. By painting over graffiti, repairing broken glass, and addressing any further damage right away, you are actively warning any vandals from returning.

By heeding these simple guidelines, you can keep your Blackfoot rental homes from becoming an easy target for vandals. At Real Property Management Pocatello, we offer full-service property management including monitoring your properties on a regular basis and arranging for repairs and maintenance should anything go wrong. If you would like more information on how to protect your home, please contact us online or by 208-234-1000 today.